Living Sober: Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle
So I quit drinking alcohol by accident... I just forgot to drink, really.
That's just what happened. I got really serious about my career and I got really intentional.
I've always been very serious about my career but I got really intentional about the type of person that I wanted to become and how I wanted to show up in this world.
And when I dialed down on myself and really got serious and clear about what I wanted and what I wanted to call it and who I wanted to be and who I wanted to become, things started happening for me. And doors started opening for me, leading to significant personal growth.
I had some amazing opportunities show up at my doorstep, and some of them triggered me very much. A lot of them actually. I really just just got clear in that they were showing up for me because I was ready to receive them. Whether or not that they triggered me or whether or not I was afraid of them, I was going to move forward on them.
When that happened and I started moving forward in these types of opportunities, I really stood out for myself and stood in my own power and I forgot to drink.
Even going out, when everyone is having a cocktail, it's not like I don't even want a cocktail, actually I don't really want a cocktail but it's not that I am judging anybody or care about any of that stuff. because I, you know, it's not coming from a place where I ever really well, I definitely use alcohol as a crutch, and I definitely abused alcohol. And I used alcohol to numb myself for a significant amount of time. I never felt like I was in a position where I had to go into a program or had an issue where it was consuming my life, where I couldn't function, but I was definitely abusing it at times, and especially in my twenties and early thirties, to not deal with some of the pain that I was feeling.
I ended up in my thirties and, you know, when your hangovers start getting so bad, it's almost not worth the freaking drink anymore. So that was happening. And as I got sick and I was dealing with, you know, all these things that were going in my body, alcohol triggered all of those things as well. I couldn't drink brown liquor because I would have allergic reaction to brown liquor, and then I could only drink vodka and then I couldn't drink vodka anymore. I was only drinking tequila and there was only a specific tequila and a specific Barolo red wine that I could drink. And it was like, who cares at this point?
It kind of all was going in the same direction, I didn't drink because of that for a couple of months. Then I, like, went on a trip to Peru and I didn't drink because I was going to do plant medicine. I was going through these spurts of not having alcohol intentionally because of something I was trying to accomplish within my system or an experience with ayahuasca.
When I came back from that, I just didn't ever drink again. It just got really to the point where it wasn't serving me anymore, it wasn't bringing anything to the table and I just kind of forgot about it. Embracing a healthy lifestyle became my focus, and so I just accidentally quit drinking and I haven't had a drink in over a year now.
I had a sip of wine when I was in Rome and the Amalfi Coast with my friends this summer. But I just had a sip of theirs, and I that was it, I gave my glass away.
It just kind of happened and so I feel like it just fell off for me. A lot of other things have fallen off for me as well. I used to smoke weed or have edibles and I really enjoyed that. I don't know if this is forever, I don't know if I'm never going to drink again or if I'm never going to have marijuana again but I'm just kind of not doing it right now and it's really serving me and I feel great about it. I thought I would feel very uncomfortable being in public with groups of people not drinking, but I really just don't care. It's like I feel like everything has just kind of landed me in this place where I feel so good in my body right now. I don't want to mess that up with adding anything in it that's going to screw with the system because it's taken me so long to get here and to finally feel this good in my bodySo if alcohol is not part of the equation anymore, I guess it's not part of the equation.
I used to miss having a glass of tequila or wind down from the end in the day, but it's not worth it. Who knows what the future will bring. But that's just what happened. I just kind of forgot for what to drink and here we are a year later and realize it's just not serving. Embracing self improvement has been a key part of this journey.
So that's my story with alcohol.
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